Phil Hamling
376 County Route 1
Warwick, NY, USA 10990
Phone: 845-258-2936
Born May 6, 1956 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Bachelors of Science, Ceramic Engineering, New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, NY, USA, 1979, Magna Cum Laude
Current: President and Co-owner of ZIRCAR Ceramics, Inc., a manufacturer of high temperature ceramic fiber based insulation materials, refractories and related products for industrial, research and aerospace applications.
2000 - 1983 ZIRCAR Products, Inc., in capacities including Vice President Sales & Marketing, Manager Research & Engineering.
1983 - 1982 PDH Inc. (High Temperature Furnace Systems), Owner
1981 - 1980 Union Carbide Corporation, Electronics Division at the Central Science Laboratory, Development Engineer.
1980 - 1975 Production Manager and Maintenance technician.
Technical Publications
High Performance Insulation for Hydrogen Sintering, Philip Hamling, President, ZIRCAR Ceramics, Inc., Florida,
NY, Ceramic Industry Magazine, 2002
Zirconia Battery Separators, An Historical Perspective and
Development Update, Philip Hamling, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Bernard
H. Hamling, President, ZIRCAR Products, Inc., 1993
Design of Low Mass Furnaces for High Temperatures, Philip
D. Hamling, ZIRCAR Products, Inc., Florida, NY, American Ceramic Society
Bulletin, August 1988
1700°C Rapid Cycle Furnace Design, Philip Hamling, Vice President Sales/Marketing, ZIRCAR Products, Inc., Florida, NY, 1987
Furnace Module User's Guide, Philip D. Hamling, ZIRCAR
Ceramics, Inc., Florida, NY,
Crystalline Glazed Ceramics
Active since 2007
Serving as Global Moderator
Member #1on the
Crystalline Glaze Forum
Workshops Attended
March 14 - 15, 2014 Bill Powell Art & Design, Dunedin Fine Arts Center, Dunedin, Florida
April 19 -23, 2013 Cristalls 2013 - International Crystalline Glaze Convention, Girona, Spain
February 22, 2013 Jose' Mariscal, Dunedin, Florida
March 25, 2012 Ginny Conrow / Marsha Silverman Workshop, Seattle Washington
March 27, 2011 Dunedin Fine Art Center, Frozen in Fire: Crystalline Waves Workshop, Jamie Kozlowski, Wizard of Clay
March 12 - 14, 2010 Cone 6 Crystalline Glaze Workshop with Bill Schran
Feb. 27 - March 2, 2009 Double Dare with Ginny Conrow & John Tilton
September 28, 2008 The Crystalline Spectrum, Bill Schran
February 19, 2008 John Tilton Workshop
September 15, 2007 Krystallos 2007
August 3 - 5, 2007 Mastering Crystalline Glazes, with Fara Shimbo at Wesleyan Potters
Events sponsored
October 16 - 18, 2009 Electric Reduction Symposium
2011 Frozen in Fire, Dunedin Fine Art Center
2013 “Cristalls 2013”, International Crystals Congress, April 19 – 23, 2013 in La Bisbal, Spain.
Presented a slide show and demonstration on "The Childers Effect"
Awarded third place in "Crystals Glaze Contest" for "........ the technical mastery of crystals making."
Landscaping and Gardening
3X Champion, Florida - Warwick Tuesday Night Men's League, 1994, 1996 & 2000
On This Front Lawn, Puttin' Around Is The Whole Idea, Times Herald Record, 2001